High Five Board Of L33TN355

High Five Board Of L33TN355
When someone does something L33T they get a High Five. If You're not on the list, your general l33t activites are not great enough to warrent it. BE MORE L33T

Friday, January 16, 2009

General Report

Ahhh my efforts have been paying off. Most people do not bother me anymore and CCCCS has become a massive collection of piles of Chassis and monitors stacked all around me so I am nestled in a nice LUSER free shield.

Had only the general BS from lusers, although Who ever setup this network architecture should be found and shot, REVIVED dragged out into the street and SHOT REVIVED AGAIN thrown onto broken glass and SHOT REVIVED ONCE MORE and thrown into the Ocean THEN SHOT, AGAIN REVIVED made to clean up his own mess and then SHOT

Took me about 3 hours to figure out what they had done and FIX it so I could move all the Lusers from the now Defunct admin side into my local domain where I can throw shit at them when I catch them putting shit on my file server.

I have been excessively bored of late, so I have taken to going through users personal files on the file server, the files server is for WORK related files only so its fun to just delete this crap.

I have also taken a new approach to answering my phone. I choose to either just pick up and say nothing and see how long before they hang up, or speak like its a CB Radio doing the whole kzzzzzrt thing and all myself. Loads of fun.

Still no progress on finding a BADGER for my L.A.R.T.



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