High Five Board Of L33TN355

High Five Board Of L33TN355
When someone does something L33T they get a High Five. If You're not on the list, your general l33t activites are not great enough to warrent it. BE MORE L33T

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well as you can see I have been messing around with animated GIFs. I plan to just keep adding on to this image as I am bored and feel like it.

My model is in the painting stages now, although I find that my selected colour scheme is lacking. So some more thought on this is required.

Dawn of War 2 has consumed most of my free time at this point, I should finish it by the end of the week.

Lusers have been quiet of late although for some reason they seem to believe that I can work on telephonic equipment. Foolish people I will leave them in there ignorance.
I have taken a more efficient approach to dealing with Lusers that keep putting personal files on the Fileserver by simply moving any I find into a universal folder on the PUBLIC drive where everyone can see them.
I have noticed a definate decline in personal luser files as a result.

A few people have asked me about my old blog, its still around Last time I checked it was at www.127dot0dot0dot1.blogspot.com. Please note that this blog is very old and most of it no longer holds any relevance

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